Golf Athletics Course

Improve your golf game
now with FLEXVIT

Why resistance bands should become your most important training companions besides bat and ball!

If you want to play golf successfully, you have to take care of your fitness off the green as well. Athletic training is no longer a complete novelty in golf: among ambitious golfers it has been recognized that athletic training has an extremely positive effect on physical and mental performance.

In golf, the one-sided swing movement dominates, which can inevitably lead to muscular imbalances and thus to pain in the long term – if these are not counteracted. To guarantee the mobility and strength of all parts of the body, golf-specific athletic training with resistance bands offers an optimal way not only to prevent injuries, but also to increase overall performance on the green.

Based on the 7 basic movement patterns of our FLEXVIT Daily 7, and specifically tailored to golf, course participants will learn how to use our FLEXVIT bands to train rotation and mobility, optimize coupling ability, increase strength and explosiveness during impact, and improve their golf athletics in an injury-preventive manner.

1. Theory - why athletic training in golf?

2. Improve mobility!

3. Training day 1

a. Unilateral rowing pull

b. Lunge with rotation & jump

c. Unilateral rowing pull kneeling

d. Strengthening the posterior chain in prone position

e. Push-up with rotation in the lateral stand

f. Pallof Press kneeling

4. Training day 2

a. Dynamic unilateral rowing with rotation

b. Lunges with rotation

c. Single leg bridge with traction rotation

d. Dynamic unilateral chest press with rotation

e. Rowing in lateral stand

f. Dynamic pull rotation in kneeling position

Why me? Golf athletics for you!

The course is aimed at coaches and ambitious athletes – regardless of age and handicap. Functional band training in golf can improve your game by bringing more strength and endurance, but also more precision to the green.

Train directly on the court or at home, when and where you want. Our FLEXVIT bands are made of a robust, sustainable and allergy-friendly textile material, can be washed at 60 degrees and are comfortable on the skin. With just a few bands you are equipped for a comprehensive, effective and variable training for the whole season.

In our class, learn to incorporate the bands into golf-specific movements and experience how more power, agility and balance will improve your game.

About the coach: Learn from the expert Norman Marcus

Norman is a qualified movement scientist, trained FLEXVIT, TRX and Functional Trainer. After his own career in competitive swimming, he has now switched roles and moved from athlete to coach.

Norman applies his in-depth sports science know-how in particular to golf – as an athletic trainer, he coaches top athletes at the renowned Hamburg Golf Club on Falkensteiner Ufer. We bring Norman’s expert knowledge from the Hamburg green to your home.