Functional Band Training Online

The idea of our
FLEXVIT courses

FLEXVIT Education Training Functional Band Training
There is no lack of presentation of various exercises with bands on the Internet. Many trainers, therapists and brands strive, sometimes in a very good and innovative way, to bring their target groups closer to the diverse application possibilities, i.e. the “what”. In the process, the essential reasons for using bands and their intrinsic advantages, i.e. the “why”, often remain hidden. To make training, not just that with bands, effective, relevant and sustainably successful, you also have to look at the “how”, that is, the structure and programming.

From the basics to highly specific applications - our FLEXVIT Training & Education!

Functional Band Training Course Academy FLEXVIT

Professional coaches

Our training experts will show you how to do the exercises correctly!

FLEXVIT courses for functional training

Help & Tips

Our coaches will show you tips & help with the training exercises!

According to our motto “Bands Reloaded” we would like to find an innovative approach to knowledge transfer on the one hand, similar to our FLEXVIT bands. On the other hand, we want to convince through quality and variety.

Due to the wide range of our FLEXVIT Bands as well as the resulting extremely large application possibilities – the “what”, which is quite different in the areas of performance, fitness and therapy – we will offer various offers. These will, we hope, be attractive and valuable to athletic trainers, fitness and specialty trainers, therapists, as well as the interested “everyday athlete” in achieving professional and/or individual goals.

On this platform, we present our online courses, either on-demand or as live streams, some of which will also be taught as classroom courses in various countries in the future.

Discover courses now & start training!

Take your Functional Band knowledge to the next level and discover our courses! Learn from experts & trainers around the world when, where & how you want! Our coaches will show you practical tips on how to use training bands and share their knowledge with you!